
Recombinant Human Transferrin protein

Research Use Only
Protein IDP02786
Product group Proteins / Signaling Molecules
Price on request
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  • Supplier
  • Product Name
    Recombinant Human Transferrin protein
  • Delivery Days Customer
  • Certification
    Research Use Only
  • Estimated Purity
  • Protein IDP02786
  • Protein Name
    Transferrin receptor protein 1
  • Scientific Description
    Recombinant Human Transferrin is recombinant human serum transferrin that has been produced in an animal-free production system. Human transferrin is responsible for iron transport in animals. In cells, intracellular iron is required to maintain cell growth. Transferrin is the preferred method for iron delivery into cells where it enters through the transferrin receptor. Each 80 kDa transferrin can transport two iron molecules. In cell culture applications, iron delivery by transferrin has advantages compared to free iron or iron-chelators. Free iron promotes free radical formation, which can damage cells. Iron-chelators tend to disrupt downstream processes and tend to have lower iron bioavailability, require excessive iron loading in cell culture media. Recombinant Human Transferrin is designed for use in cell culture media and life science research. It is not intended for use in humans.
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