
Reliable services and products to make your research easy

GenScript is the leading gene, peptide, protein and antibody research partner for fundamental life science research, translational biomedical research, and early stage pharmaceutical development.

Since their establishment in 2002, GenScript has exponentially grown to become a global leading Contract Research Organization that provides services and products to scientists in 86 countries worldwide. During the tenure they have built the best-in-class capacity and capability for biological research services encompassing gene synthesis and molecular biology, peptide synthesis, custom antibodies, protein expression, antibody and protein engineering, and in vitro and in vivo pharmacology – all with the goal to Make Research Easy.

Bio-Connect supplies all their products in the Benelux. If you have any questions, please contact the helpdesk.

Major product lines from GenScript

  • Nucleic acid purification and analysis
  • PCR and cloning
  • Recombinant proteins
  • Proteins, expression, isolation and analysis
  • Antibodies
  • Peptides and biochemicals
  • Cellular analysis

MonoRab™ rabbit monoclonal antibodies

Distinct advantages of rabbit monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) have led to their increasing applications in all areas of life sciences, from basic research to diagnostics and therapeutics. GenScript’s MonoRab™ technology generates high quality rabbit monoclonal antibodies. Their proprietary hetero-hybridoma methodology includes an optimized fusion partner to improve overall fusion efficiency while utilizing the rabbit’s natural ability to generate high specificity, high affinity monoclonal antibody products against a wide range of difficult targets such as small molecules, Ab drugs, and even antigens non-immunogenic in mice.

More about GenScript

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