
Assays for the assessment of complement activation and biochemical bone markers

Quidel SPG is the option for all your research, biosafety and cytotoxicity testing needs. Their MicroVue products are a well-established name in immune system monitoring, assays for the assessment of complement activation, as well as biochemical bone markers.

Quidel offers products to meet biosafety testing and complement dependent cytotoxicity testing needs, such as normal human sera, cobra venom factor, and complement fragment assays. ELISA assays, depleted sera, proteins, monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies, antisera, antigens, controls, and special reagents are also available to round-out a comprehensive laboratory portfolio.

Bio-Connect supplies all their products in the Benelux. If you have any questions, please contact the helpdesk.

Major product lines from Quidel

  • EIA and ELISA kits
  • Proteins
  • Monoclonal antibodies
  • Depleted or deficient sera
  • Antisera

Immutopics products

Quidel’s Immutopics brand offers innovative immunoassays for assessing bone health to the research and scientific communities. Since 1989, Immutopics has been a leading source of diagnostic test kits for basic research and early clinical studies in calcium and phosphate regulation for animal and human models. The effectiveness of these products has been documented in numerous published studies. These products can also be ordered through Bio-Connect.

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