Bertin Technologies

Bioreagents provider including assay kits, antibodies and chemicals

Bertin Bioreagent formerly known as SPI-BIO with 30 years of know-how in the development of enzyme immunoassay kits, offers a comprehensive offer of best in class analysis tools dedicated to biomarkers. They provide you with the highest quality solutions for your research needs in various investigation fields including inflammation, oxidative injury, pain, diabetes, obesity, hypertension, neurodegenerative disease, prion diseases, and metabolism.

Commitment to quality and guaranteed performance

Bio-Connect supplies all their products in the Benelux. If you have any questions, please contact the helpdesk.

Major product lines from Bertin Bioreagent

  • ELISA kits
  • Pre-analytical products
  • Mono- and polyclonal antibodies

Precellys Evolution Touch

Prior to performing any analysis of molecules of interest, biological samples must first be prepared, which generally requires tissue homogenization. The Precellys® Evolution Touch tissue homogenizer brings together performance, versatility and high-level efficiency enabling you to safely carry out all your routine and R&D projects.

The Precellys Evolution Touch is both flexible and efficient, giving users the ability to grind, homogenize or lyse any kind of sample. It offers a complete range of accessories to meet all homogenization needs, from the smallest samples with the 96WP to the largest with the 50mL tubes and the hardest samples with the dedicated metal tubes.

Coriolis biological air samplers

The Coriolis range of biological air samplers has been developed by Bertin Health & Life Sciences to be more efficient than traditional indoor or outdoor air quality monitoring systems. The cyclonic technology efficiently collects the biological particles of the air whatever their nature: Bacteria, viruses, pollen, etc. The sample taken is therefore compatible with all microbiological or molecular biology analyses, which allows the results of the biological contamination of the indoor and outdoor air to be obtained more quickly.


Main products

Sample preparation – Homogenizers

  • Precellys Evolution homogenizer – The most advanced tissue homogenizer combining high efficiency and versatility for all sample preparation needs.
  • Precellys 24 Touch homogenizer – An intuitive tissue homogenizer to prepare any kind of biological sample.
  • Precellys nucleic acid extraction kits – Precellys homogenizers & nucleic acid extraction kits offer an optimized solution to purify DNA and RNA from your tissue samples.
  • Lysing kits – The Precellys lysing kits are dedicated to sample preparation for Precellys tissue homogenizers.
  • Minilys personal homogenizer – Especially designed for low throughput laboratory workflows, the Minilys personal tissue homogenizer homogenizes three samples simultaneously in 0.5mL or 2mL tubes and one sample in 7 ml tubes.
  • Cryolys Evolution – A patented cooling system compatible with the Precellys Evolution tissue homogenizer. It prevents thermo-sensitive samples from heat degradation during homogenization process.

Air monitoring

  • Coriolis Compact – A dry Cyclonic air sampler able to operate up to 8 hours straight and compatible with multiple downstream analysis (NGS, qPCR, Culture).
  • Coriolis Micro – Coriolis µ is a Biological Air Sampler for air bio-contamination control compatible with all analysis methods thanks to its liquid output.
  • Coriolis Consumables – A full range of dedicated consumables to ensure optimal collection efficiency for the Coriolis Air Sampler.
  • Cleapart-100 – A passive collecting device, working autonomously to monitor airborne particle contamination

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The 3D bead beating technology by Precellys tissue homogenizers

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