Research reagents to detect oxidative stress markers for DNA oxidation, lipid oxidation, protein oxidation and antioxidants

The Japan Institute for the Control of Aging (JaICA) has conducted research into control of aging since its foundation with the goal of contributing health promotion. As a result, they succeeded in developing a DNA oxidative damage measuring kit, thus taking the lead for this field. They now sell many research products related to oxidative stress. Such products are utilized in the fields of medicine, pharmacy, biochemistry, food sciences, etc. The Institute also performs assay services utilizing its unique technologies. Preventive medicine and anti-aging are receiving increased attention with the advancement of aging society.

JaICA develops and manufactures research reagents to detect oxidative stress markers for DNA oxidation, lipid oxidation, protein oxidation and antioxidants. The monoclonal antibodies and ELISA kits detect products of oxidative damage caused by reactive oxygen species.

JaICA is a part of AdipoGen Life Sciences, who also cooperates with a number of other manufacturers such as: Ancell CorporationBioVioticaChemodexChimerigen LaboratoriesInnaxon and South Bay Bio.

Bio-Connect supplies all their products in the Benelux. If you have any questions, please contact the helpdesk.

Major product lines from JaICA

  • Oxidative stress markers
  • ELISA kits
  • Monoclonal antibodies

More about JaICA

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